First, we arrive and park in the "official parking" field. The field is the backyard behind a trailer. The owner of the trailer was sitting on the porch chain-smoking cigarettes while his 16 year old son directed traffic. After hiding my GPS and parking my car, we were then told we were to take the "shuttle" down to the concert area. The shuttle arrives driven by none other than Johnny Blaze. Me, my girlfriend, a 19 year old dreaded kid and his new wife hop in the back and start riding. Halfway up a hill, the pickup-truck shuttle stalls out and we had to help push it over the hill. We arrive to the biggest w00k shitshow I've ever seen. People passed out everywhere. Johnny Blaze asks me if I need some shrooms or weed or anything "a bit more serious." I decline. Johnny Blaze tells me no glass bottles are allowed. I tell him that's all I have and he informs me that I should go get a plastic cup from the huge tipi. I walk over to the tipi which is guarded by two teen w00ks who were so redneck/inebriated they could barely speak. I tell them I need a plastic cup and they inform me, after speaking gibberish and telling my girlfriend how much they loved her hair, that I would need to buy two 1-dollar beer tickets to gain entrance. I oblige, as I'm just willing to put up with it at this point. We get in, and I go to the back to get a beer. I tell the 50-ish GDFer that we need two beers. He asks me if I want Bud Light or Yuengling on tap. I say Yuengling and he pulls out a huge glass jar of Yuengling and pours half in our cups, half all over the table because he's shaking so bad. Obviously, I'm not going to drink this beer that had just come out of a w00k's dose jar, so we pour ours out and continue to TRY and have a good time.
Long story short, it was just the most meth'd out seen I've ever been a part of. I am by no means a prude and have dealt with just about everything at Phish shows and every other show with the nasty w00k underbelly. This was like nothing I have ever seen at a Phish show, and I've seen w00ks shitting on each other.
The girlfriend wanted to leave early, and as we were leaving I dropped my phone in my beer, ruining it. One of the shittiest nights ever.
I know this story isn't that good, but no words can do this place justice. If you're in Tennessee, head down to Hippie Hill and experience it for yourself.

first of all, Hippie Hill doesnt allow any drugs on their property. If someone is caught with any sort of drugs - shrooms, coke, meth, weed, or any kinds of pills we walk them off the hill and drop them off at the interest. Some people come and stay on the hill to get off these kinds of drugs cause theyre trying to get off these hard drugs so we're there to help them get off of the drugs, away from the people that they hang out with that do them and get them clean. We make sure they eat and have a place to stay as well. I was living on the hill the weekend you were there for 9-11 weekend, and I'm sure we prolly met and yes I was really drunk that weekend having a blast and I'm sorry you had a bad experience at my home. I will say I know for a fact that there wasnt any acid in the beer that you got, we had to and still have to pour the beer in a jar to get all the foam out. This is because when we get beer from the tap it shoots out a lot of foam, so we let it settle in a jar before we serve it.
ReplyDeleteYes we do drink, and whats wrong with that? If you're trying to party then party and drink a few beers! no reason to hate on that. I would appreciate if you didnt criticize my home like you did calling all of us meth head cause thats the last thing we want on our hill.
Yohn - Hippie Hill resident for almost 2 years now.
Listen to the liar. He knows damn well Tom Maddox and his toothless hag Jeanie sell drugs night and day. There is constant traffic to and from the hill both to the liquor store and the drug suppliers and consumers every few minutes. Tom Maddox and Jeanies trailer is so full of drugs and druggies you cant even turn around. Seriously these are the #1 drug kingpins in TN and this peon minon of the vicelords is sitting here trying to say there are no drugs allowed on hippie hill? What a crock!
DeleteActually he is partially correct...the only drugs allowed on Hippie Hill are the ones Tom and Jeanie sell. You see Tom gets violent when anyone else muscles in on his turfs drug profits. The last person to do that Jamie got punched in the face by tom 15 times in a row while all the other parasites just looked on waiting for the next hit then pretended nothing happened. And Jamie had invested half his life into building that hill. Wicked foul drug haven!
you have got to be kidding me using my name to post some lies and bullshit like this. you obviously dont know me I am Jongles and live on the hill. do you really think that I would be this stupid to post some lies about my home my family. I didnt know half of what you have posted using my name. you are so stupid as to think you are going to get away with trying to slander me and my home let alone the atrocities that you have said about Hippie and Mama Jeanie whom I care very much about. you are someone who obviously doesnt know me very well at all. I live on hippie hill it is my home I share my life with everyone there as my brothers and sisters you had know right posting this shit you posted they are all lies you dont know thye half of the people that have been helped by hippie hill including myself the real Jingles I think you need to come forwaed and bring your ass to the hill so I can set you straight on your alleged allications that you have no proof of and you need to remove anything that you have posted because you are the one that is doing all the lieing here Yohn hasnt lied once. there are no drugs on hippie hill none are allowed there is no alcohol during the week on hippie hill and so what if someone drinks a beer you have a problem with that. you need to be set straight because everything you posted about Hippie Mama or anyone else is a lie.
DeleteThe individual above "Yohn" is a chronic drunk who is on probation for drugs and has a long rap sheet of drug busts. Look it up his real name is John Brittain and he is from North Carolina. Thomas Maddox and his wife who run that nasty hill do in fact sell drugs and there are are plenty of drugs there. I can't believe that John has the audacity to lie and say there are no drugs on the hill. Check Thomas Maddox he is from Texas with a drug rap sheep a mile long. There is also hard liquor being pounded 365 days a year. Worse yet they cheat and lie and steal and swindle and even have the gall to run a phony "helping hungry kids" charity where they rip off locals with BS about feeding kids. There are no kids on the hill only habitual beggars, drunks and thieves of the worst kind. John posts and profits from these scam websites that is why you will find him defending the crime riddled hill all over the web. Nothing else to say these are the facts. Rutheford County Sherrifs turn other cheek and let them run amok. However soon the whole place will be shut down for good. That's the word.
Deleteand by the way, why are there all these pictures that are "suppose" to be from the hill of how it was during the weekend, when theres only 1 picture in your list of pictures that is actually from hippie hill? The only picture on the hill in you're list of pictures is the one of the toilet in the woods, and we look at that as a joke. We actually have flowers in the toilet now. But all them other pictures are not from the hill, so please do not put them in the same words as hippie hill
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DeleteJohn AKA yon ex hippie hill reject is a habitual drunk who is on probation for drug charges which he has violated with still more drug charges.
DeleteHe runs the pathetic hippie hill website where they beg people for money to support all the evil crap they do on tweaker hill. The place used to be a garbage dump and it still is. The people are the nastiest dirtiest most foul mouthed ignorant backwoods hill billys that ever regurgitated from the bowels of TN.
Hippie hill TN gives hippie hill SF a bad name. It another Tom Maddox scam to name it hippie hill and himself hippie as part of his twisted manipulation to extort money out of peace loving people.
John defends hippie hill because they tolerate his constant drinking and provide him with a place to hide out from his parents and probation officer.
Stay away from 8624 Burks Hollow Rd, Christiana, TN 37037 unless you like living in a foul garbage dump.
I stayed there for a short time last year. Ive been many places and met many people. The hill was one of the most beautiful places with some of the most beautiful people I've ever met. This is coming from a chick that far from a hippie btw. The pictures look like someone did a google image search for "drunk hippies" and posted whatever they found.
ReplyDeleteTo the author of this post I must say; get a life so you don't have to fuck with everyone else's!
Thank you author for exposing the truth about tweaker hill and the meth lab explosions. As for the people who still want to suck on tom maddox corn cob go right ahead dolly and learn for yourself the hard way what that old pervert will do to ya with everyone watching. Hippie hill in a cesspool of violent felons and meth heads and perverts like tom. It needs to be shut down as we the community have been demanding for a long time.
Deleteyou are a chicken shit lame ass mother fucker to go and use someone elses name and post such lies about my home and family. you need to bring your ass to the hill and see that it isnt at all what you have said there are lots of people that have benifited from the hill myself included the real Jingles you had no right slandering my name and home and family like you have
DeleteHippie Hill is a scam run by convicted felon TOM MADDOX and drug dealing toothless JEANIE. They call themselves "HIPPIE" and "MAMA". What a joke that rope head is about as hippie as Charles Manson. They are both burnt out tweakers who take slaves up on this wretched hillbilly knoll outside Christiana TN to do their evil bidding. They are always running one kind of SCAM or another to collect "donations" to keep the constant supply of booze and drugs flowing. These are violent back stabbing backwoods criminals who lie and cheat and steal for a living. Many people have been hurt and have their lives destroyed by Tom and Jeanie. The entire place should be condemned a health hazard in violation of every law. Has nothing to do with hippies its a place where drunks guzzle down gallons of whiskey a day and kick dogs and beat up people. TOM MADDOX is an ex- prison scrapper and likes to beat up defenseless people. He brags of how many people he has beaten up on the hill. People are stabbed, raped, robbed on a routine basis. Great place to go if you just escaped the joint. Total shi#hole.
ReplyDeleteI went to a music "show" on "hippie" hill - once. One visit should enough for anyone to realize just how nasty and repugnant the backwoods hillbilly hideout truly is. Talk about filthy. And I am not just talking about their clothes. The incessant stream of profanity coming from the gross inebriated inhabitants is atrocious. That place is a motley crue of the worst kind of rejects. I was offered pills for sale within 20 minutes of being there. The crap hole is run by some drunken jackass covered with dirty blonde dreadlocks who calls himself "hippie" but he looks and acts like a deranged madman who just escaped from an asylum for the criminally insane. I saw the old goat staggering around and rubbing up on some teenage hippie girls he somehow snookered up there. He even set up a shadow box for them to dance naked and get kinky in. I can tell a perverted creep when I see one in action. My take on the hippie hill tn scene was the entire hippie scene is a trap to lure homeless girls up to this dirty old farts lair. I did not see any children up there. Why they call it "helping hungry kids" I will never know. All I saw up there were half dead 30-50 something age hobos and bums dragging their feet around begging for change and looking for trouble. Everyone who said they lived there was missing teeth and covered in prison tats with their ripped clothes falling off their bodies. One older woman I saw actually stunk and looked like she had not bathed in 20 years. I guess these are the "kids". I did not see any food but I did see thousands of empty beer cans and bottles of hard liquor everywhere. This must be how they are being "helped". They asked me for a donation. I guess they needed more booze for the "kids". How this place is allowed to exist and nor raded and shut down by the police I will never understand. They must be paid off. Total sleaze-ville hell hole run by some perving shyster. Hippie hill my ass the place would be total hell for any real hippie. Any true hippie would take one look and get the hell out and never go back. Since I visited I heard some bad stuff has gone down there. I mean REAL bad stuff. A VERY bad place!
ReplyDeleteSometimes some people get pissed off because Hippie Hill kicks them off the hill. This could happen because they're the ones doing drugs or being a creeper. Those people end up going around on the internet bashing a beautiful place such as Hippie Hill. To those people that like to bash Hippie Hill, grow up and quit talking out your ass like you think you know something. You obviously dont.
ReplyDeleteHippie Hill is about getting people off the streets, getting them a job, a place to stay, and some food to eat. If anyone finds themselves in a bind, out of a home, or work they can always go to hippie hill to get help, when everyone else would turn them down, the hill opens their doors to them to call home. Some people are gonna keep hating on that fact because they had everything given to them on a silver platter and never truly experienced "hard times"
The "hill" opens their doors and sends them to the welfare office to pick up a $500 food card which they then confiscate. They do not feed anyone the state does on taxpayer money. Then they turn them into a laborer without pay and make them do all the work for free. Only the most die hard drunkards stay because they only pay is hard liquor. The only exception is if you are a young girl because Tom is a slobbering pervert. Then you earn your keep in other ways. The day is soon coming when the welfare office is going to stop issuing these food cards to that address and the codes department is going to condemn that garbage pit of human waste. That is unless all the people they have assaulted and robbed and scammed out of donations catch up to them first and sue them. Unfortunately they do not even own the property it belongs to an old woman they are scamming. If you go there you will get lice, scabies and worse. There are mice and rats everywhere. Any food they serve is cooked by a filthy witch and will give you diarrhea for a month. Assuredly the filthiest trash dump in the Country!
DeleteThis is just crazy to me. Mostly because it seems that some one person has spent an awful lot of time posting trash comments using the names of people who live or have lived on the hill..
ReplyDeleteIt makes me kind of sad to read about you and your girlfriends awful experience, but it kind of makes me laugh (sorry). It sounds to me like maybe you should relax a little.. I mean, I can guarantee you that 'that old GDFer in the teepee' didn't surprise dose your beer, you just wasted it. And did the GPS that you 'hid in your car' get stolen? No? but you dropped your own phone into your drink.. :( I may be crazy, but the world sends some funny messages sometimes..
I am sure you have, like you said, seen tons of crazy things at all the phish shows you have been to, but hippie hill is a haven for street kids..did you really expect that they would have all showered, shaved, and put on pretty dresses and their best behavior for your arrival? They party hard. What did you expect? you tell a bunch of street kids they're having a party and they're going to party like there's no tomorrow..until the day after tomorrow.
When you see that you seem to simply see a bunch of dirty smelly drunk 'wookie' idiots, but I don't. I watch these fools and feel this beautiful simplicity and freedom. I don't understand how you can not appreciate what was done and see the beauty in people having a good time, no matter what they look or smell like, or if their idea of a good time holds up to your standards. It's just so sadly mind boggling to me. That truck that was helping you out by hauling your ungrateful behind up the hill so that you didn't have to walk died? rats. Did the guy who owned the truck get upset that he killed his vehicle hauling you? Did he charge you for gas? ...If I ruled the world, unless you were bringing equipment up for a band, you would have been walking in the first place because I'm not that sweet and I have seen what that hill will do to a vehicle after a while. I've also sprinted up and then right back down it without much difficulty..all I felt was good afterwards, and I am no athlete..I'm sure you could have walked it..Enjoyed the crazy beautiful view you get while doing so..I don't know, that's probably stupid. walking. up a hill. in the mountains.
I LOVE Hippie Hill. I love the people who live up there.
and for the record, I am a kid. I am a kid and I have a kid, and hippie hill, or helping hungry kids, helped me. I am so grateful and blessed for all that Hippie and Jeanie and so many of the people living up there have done for us. They provided and taught us so much and they truly are wonderful people, I wish you had been able to see that.
Definitely go check this place out for yourself...but, for your own happiness and peace of mind throughout your journey, probably don't go with this guy
Yes I agree they do teach you a lot on hippie hill. I lived there for two years until I got off the dope they had me strung out on and gave up boozing. I have never been happier since I escaped that hellish prison of misery.
DeleteThese are the kind of things they teach you at Hippie Hill: How to cuss constantly. How to drink constantly. How to never bathe or brush your teeth. How to go without food or water. How to live broke. How to be a loser. How to never have a job. How to make a beggar sign. How to carry around a gas can and pretend you are out of gas. How to get a EBT card from the state so you can give it to them so they can sell your food. How to kick a dog in the teeth for trying to eat. How to other peoples cars to the scrapper. How to sell drugs for insane prices. How to get a bottle of booze without any ID. How to trick the media into portraying you as a charity. How to trick people into giving you donations. How to be a slave who works for free. How to pay rent for a broken down trailer. How to pay gang dues. How to beat the crap out of someone and stab them. How to lie to police. How to get someone innocent arrested. How to rape underage girls. How to steal from visitors. How to pretend to be a hippie when you are a drunken bum.
Yes it is true I learned a lot from those people. But the most important thing I learned is not to trust people who call themselves Hippie and Mama.
Look at the scantily dressed photo of the girl above "Rebecca". Now ask yourself why an old pervert like Tom Maddox would have shown her some love on the hill. Figure it out. He is a burnt out pedophile biker who uses people. The whole hippie facade is to lure girls like Rebecca up there.
DeleteOf course they show her a real good time. She is barely legal and almost naked. The pervs on the hill hill live to get young dumb hippie girls up there and be all peace and love. He also wants people with children because by running pictures of the kids on his scam websites he can generate donations. The men he sizes up what he can steal from them, works them to death then flips out on them for no reason and chases them away and steals what they leave in their hurry to escape the threats and violence. What real hippie calls himself hippie and names his land hippie hill? Stop being so gullible and stay away from the psycho wooks up there or you will someday find yourself in a world of hurt with no escape. The dump is in the middle of nowhere and the cops are crooked as a stick so they won't help. Go back home and get your life together there is no future on the Hill only pain and misery when Tom decides he has used you up. Those drunks do not play they are pure evil and have no conscience when your number comes up. I urge federal enforcement to step in ASAP!!!
Me my boyfriend and my daughter lived up on the hill when we needed a place to stay. No one ever even made a move on me up there, aside from some dude that lived in town and came up visiting. It persisted no further than me expressing get the fuck away from me. When I left there I bought us an rv and we were able to continue living as we please. Now we are buying our own land and luckily, because of experiences like hippie hill, I know exactly what I am getting myself into settling in a rural location. I know what I want for necessities and comfort. Anyways, dont waste your effort on me. Maybe Im just too focused on the things i care about to have noticed or cared what was really going on. You wont see me caring. If people drinking around you is too much to handle go hang out at an na meeting. Thats cool. We could probably all just focus our energies on what we want to get out of life and shut the fuck up.
DeleteMiss Mackadoodle use your noodle!
DeleteJust because you did not get bum jumped on hell hill do not discount those who have been. Demons are fed and nothing good comes from 8627 Burks Hollow Road in Tenn. This should not be where people have to go when they need a place to stay. This is a back door deal between a much detested criminal and a corrupt city council. The police and local authorities in Murfreesboro are 100% crooked. These redneck roosters are drunk from unchecked power and bonnaroo cash. Naive girls like doodle need another option that to shack up in a reject junkyard with deranged drunks and rapists who cook dope in the woods. Tom is king of the meth wooks and should be given multiple life sentences for underage gang rape, kidnapping, and blackmailing government officials. This whole "council approval" deal was paid for with HHK crystal meth profits. Rutheford County is truly the creepiest place ever and everyone is either a cop, a corrections worker or on probation. They lost the Civil War but STILL practice human slavery on their own creed. Inbred degenerates preying an parasiting off each other and parading around in cops and robbers costumes. Or go up on some hill of garbage and live in abandoned trailers with brain dead old men who sit around lying and selling drugs. Disgusting.
The so called "Hippie Hill" at 8627 Burks Hollow Road is NOT hippie oriented and there are NO hippies there. This hell hole is the criminal headquarters of con-artist Thomas Maddox, a violent backwoods hill billy biker who is running a narcotics smuggling and human trafficking racket cult with the protection of a few rogue Rutheford County sherrifs and city chairmen outside of Murfreesboro TN. One initiated slaves are not allowed to leave this Jonestown and poverty, parasites and disease consume them. This is a forced labor camp where alcoholism and fighting kills. There is now law people are dealt with like animals and tied up, stabbled, beaten, thrown off cliffs, stoned by rocks, etc. Women and children and exploited for profits. Tom claims to "help Hungry Kids" this is a scam there are no children present only bikers, drug addicts and alcoholics. These pathetic professional criminals are constantly posting websites and contacting the news and press claiming to be a non-profit charity with a crisis needing donations. All money goes to drug and arms dealing, auto and horse theft rings, chop shops and human trafficking. When reporting HHK cult for theft, assaults or other crimes do not contact local authorities they are corrupt and will suppress the truth and falsely attack the informant. Go to FBI and FEDERAL law enforcement agencies. HHK is the gang that Thomas Maddox runs where he puts hits out on anyone that attempts to expose his crimes. Beware when confronting Thomas he will send thugs after you and he will attack your family. You have been warned this is not SF Tom named the hill "hippie hill" to lure unsuspecting victims up there. Predator Thomas Maddox is very territorial about his turf and conniving and will not hesitate to go after anyone who exposes his criminal operations. Watch out he is extremely mean and he loves violence. His favorite trick is to call in lies to the police and other government agencies on his enemies. He spent 30 years of his life sitting in prison thinking up theft scams and nasty things to do to people. Biggest crime boss in TN.
ReplyDeleteHippies Hippie Hill Helping Hungry Kids
ReplyDeleteRead: Dirty old man gets out of prison and develops master plan to lure impressionable young women to remote location to have their way with them. Con man dreams up childrens charity that does not exist and begs people for money to buy and sell narcotics and run a slave camp. Yee haw local sherrif too pathetic and corrupt to do anything but get in on some party action.
Just when you thought you could not take any more now peeping tom and gate boy dwight tea garden have gone on a tear jerk PR tour and conned the murfreesboro shiety council into voting toms gang hideout a special exemption clause to operate as a homeless shelter. How can hippie and mama who are incapable of maintaing a trail through the garbage piled up in their trailer run a homeless shelter? Has anyone ever bothered to run toms rap sheet or give him a sobriety or drug test? Here is a violent felon who brags to everyone how he can get away with anything still lying about everything to everyone and no one ever checks his baloney. He is not even literate and never even paid for the land he conned poor gullible Barbara Thompson fronted him. Tom calls her mom as part of his sick hustle. All this talk about the gates always open is lies anyone especially the local fuzz know the gates get locked tight by the gate dog Dwight every time the crap hits the fan. No one stays free therefore it is NOT a shelter you must PAY to stay + gang dues at the mandatory meetings where it gets super weird. You will be put on the spot to join HHK cult or be outcast. Have fun with your choice as either is a swift descent into hell. Tom has big plans for you until you run dry of resources. If you escape with nothing do NOT go back for your stuff even your car. Everything worth over five dollars will be long gone or destroyed. Then the plankton will all have a meeting with the gates locked and come up with alibies they all agree on and they will falsely accuse you of all kinds of lies while they are hauling your rig off for scrap metal and casting lots for your music gear they ripped off. That's just the beginning they love to stalk and harass people as well. Tom may be able to fool the weak minded and subdue the human slaves he uas empovershed and brainwashed however someday he will have to account for all the suffering he creates. I dare any of the nieve city council to spend a week there, no water, no shower, no heat, beggars and drunks incessantly annoying, screaming, fighting, slaving for a meal that will bring dysentery, picking off bed bugs in the night, looking for your stolen purse or wallet, watching the drug traffic come and go, trying to dedicate in a portapotty overflowing with puke and no toilet paper, wild dogs biting at your heels, and see how long they still approve of that dump.
ReplyDeleteWith the success of Bonnaroo down the road it was only natural that parasite opportunists such as Thomas Manson would invent master plan to capitolize on a piece of the hippie girl and entertainment money action. It is no coincidence that they have both been around for twelve years. Were it not for the easy money and women spill over lure of Bonnaroo Tom would have never left Texas to come snooker Barbara Thompson out of her land just down the road from the biggest music festival in the world. Tom is an illiterate three time convicted felon with only one skill. He is a professional pathological liar. Rutherford county has gotten what it deserves to take in the ruthless predator as one of their own. Tom has an endless supply of paying slaves to use and abuse as he pleases as he plays mafia warlord on his drug turf and peace loving saint to authorities. Women and children are just tools for exploitation to portray himself a hero and generate donations for a new Harley for the tattoo covered pedophile. If the good people of Bell Buckle and Christiana saw first hand what kind of sick and twisted wicked perverse atrocities were going down on Copperhead Hill they would do to Tom and his band of two faced crooks what they have done to others and chase them out of town. I have seen what those animals who call themselves a childrens charity have done to children and I say to you they are lower than maggots and undeserving of anything less that complete condemnation and outcast. I stand in solidarity with all the neighbors outraged that criminal Thomas Maddox should not be allowed to run his HHK biker cult of human abuse in Tennessee or anywhere else. And please warn all Bonnaroo patrons not to fall for the Afteroo scam he pulls every year!
ReplyDeletei lived on the hill for a year and as a man of god I can tell you these people who are trash talking the hill most likely were kicked off for trying to sell drugs or worse . there is always someone coming to the events at the hill who think they can do what they want and get angry when they are told to leave. yes there are people who have a troubled past who come to the hill looking for a home where they can get their life together that's the whole point. haters will be haters and they will say what they e
Deletewant but the hill has done a lot of good for people . some leave in a better place in their heart and some have to look elsewhere to find the path they seek.if you go with an open mind and heart you may find yourself at hippie hill.if your seeking a perfect place where everyone is trouble free and never been in trouble then good luck since even church doesn't offer that .
Alex jones, you are completely out of line. Like everyone said this may not be everyones cup of tea but what small non profit organization is that helps addicts off the street. You sound like a spoon fed bitch who needs to be without to appreciate what you have and not judge others for the opportunities offered at hippy hill. Do you realize in order to help recovering addicts you have to of neen an previous addict yourself? The reason is because some dumbass like yourself cant possibly understand what its like to go through something as horrible and life threatening as addiction. Youre concerned with how your beer was served and these people are just trying to accommodate you and your filthy whore girlfriend. I have no affiliation with hippy hill and have only been there once to socialize and experience the people, and i will tell you brother that they are very kind and keep it simple and wouldnt purposefully hurt anyone. This is what life is like without your moms tit in your spoiled mouth so get over the fact that your beer was from a jar and your dumbass dropped your phone in a beer...sounds like something much worse shouldve happened to you considering you disrepected a peoples land that just wanted to help you and show you a good time. Lets hope we never meet.
ReplyDeleteThe people saying let Tom and his squatters be have obviously never spent any time up on cooperhead hill now known to locals as Hippie Hell. Those trailers are so full of scabies, lice, rats, garbage and drug paraphenilia that Oscar the Grouch would not stay there. Tom does not give a rats behind have you cheerleaders ever seen his and mamas place? It looks like a garbage scowel with a few chairs thrown in. Those are not RVs on Hippie Hell they are dumpsters with tires. Guess you never heard of the fire they had that almost got many people killed and burned animals alive either. As for the good old boys you say must be mad at Tom ha that's rich they are his drinking buddies they score bags and custies from. Thomas Maddox is a lying cheating no good scoundrel and if you don't know that much you aint from Christiana TN. Tom is a habitual thief that acts like Mother Teresa when the cameras show up. After they leave he is a dog kicking booze guzzling back stabbing drug dealing mom robbing child exploiting meth cooking vehicle jacking cop calling jack off. The only one worse than him in all of Rutheford and Coffee county is Dwight the mad dog Tgarden whos favorite hobby is preaching and throwing sucker punches when you are not looking. As for the hag who says lets hope we never meet that kind of violent threat is exactly what you can always expect from Tom's minions on the hill and his sympathizers. Dangerous lawless criminal threatening people!