Ok i'll tell you about the one that went bad.
This finds me in Oakland in the early 90's. Between tour's I would sit out in San Francisco and keep things flowing. Friends from the east coast would need shit so I would lay it and mail it or others would come out to get a lower price and I would lay it and send them on there way. Well a real good friend came out to get 4 or 5 grams.With him he had a few people. I told him he could help me lay it and to have his friends hang out in the city till were done. He says this friend of his is ready to come with us. Now I had talked to the guy before and knew he was connected to the rainbow family, but his energy seamed weird. trusting my friends judgment i said alright.
So we decide to drive over to oakland to lay it in a hotel. We get to some sleazy hotel out by the freeway and get ready. Now i'm a little edgy about this newbie watching, but as long as he stays out of the way it's fine. So we get to work and it takes quite awhile to lay 5 grams of acid. Thats 50 tenpack or 50,000 doses. Were done and cleanin up and he say my friend is ready for a print. I'm like are you sure and he says i think so. I look at his friend and he's like just give it to me I can handle it. So I get out my jar of silver crystal and knock some out on the nightstand because my friend wants to take some with him to do in the mountains.
Well this fuckin dude sticks his finger right in my pile of crystal and then licks it. I'm like thats a pretty hefty dose there soldier. He's like ya whatever now what do we do. Then I started to realize it was going to get weird. Within 2 minutes he's saying man my fuckin stomach hurt's that was poison. I'm like go in the bathroom your going to puke. He goes in there and and we hear him cussin and puking. Meanwhile i'm askin my friend what the hell he's got us into. Then the bathroom door opens and he comes out butt naked saying i'm gettin the fuck out of here.
Were like no man just chill your not going to be able to get far. We put him in the back bedroom and turn the lights out and figure thats best for him. I close the door and tell him if he needs me were there. I figure he's got some things to sort out with god. Now this hotel Is right on the freeway. In fact you can jump out the window onto it. Were also on the second floor. Well were sitting there and i'm making some phone calls telling people i'm going to be hung up for awhile and I hear cars on the freeway honking. We go back into the bedroom and he's halfway out the window, getting ready to jump onto the Oakland freeway naked as the day he was born.
We pull him back into the room and he's starting to realize he's dying.He thinks i'm causing him to die and i'm the devil. Now shit gets ugly. He's screaming at us that he's dieing and trying to get out of the hotel. Since I just layed 5 grams i'm high also as is my friend. We call some other friends to come over. Were holding him down on the bed trying to cover his mouth. We have 50,000 doses of freshly layed LSD in the room and I don't need the cops coming. I take the pan and all the supplies I used to lay with and throw them out the window onto the freeway.
My other friends get there and we tell the girls take the acid and get out of hear quick. This guy's screaming at the top of his lungs that he's dying and I know the other hotel guest's can here him. It's got to be any minute that the Oakland police show up. I'm telling him to let go ,don't fight it. He thinks i'm satan so he's not listening to anything I say. Also as we have been wrestling him he has lost control of his bodily fluids. There's puke ,shit and piss all over. I can't imagine what the cops are going to think when they come in and see a couple hippies on some guy covered in puke and shit screaming i'm dying as we tell him it's ok he'll like it.
After awhile he stops moving. He was sucked into eternity. He was gone. As he layed there motionless we cleaned him up. And my friend sang amazing grace over and over to him. After an hour passed I realized the cops hadn't came. I contribute this to 2 things. The protection of God and the fact we were in a nasty part of Oakland and people mind there own business.
My girl comes by and brings us clean shirts and pants. I take a shower and clean up as they watch him and then we take turns. My nerves are frazzled. I'm high and this guys bad trip has really wigged me out. Me and my girl decide to go for a walk since my friends with him and he's not moving. We get out side and realize that going for a walk at 3 am in Oakland isn't going to be good. She senses my tension and we go to the side of the hotel in some bushes were she lays me down and sets my mind at ease with that magic only a woman can perform.
As dawn breaks he's coming around. Talking incoherently ,but I can see a sparkle in his eye. We all part ways and me and my girl head back to SF to get some sleep.
A day or two later my friend calls and says there heading home and to come say goodbye. I get there and this guy comes up to me and gives me a big hug and says he's sorry. I tell him don't worry about it. He then tells me that he met god and was a different person now. This makes me happy.
This man hasn't taken LSD since and lives in Oregon and owns a organic farm.
He's happy with a family and at peace.
He says that night was the most important and best thing that ever happened to him. I see him at the Oregon county fair every year and we always have a big hug.
he's turned into somebody i really admire and love.
Friday, September 24, 2010
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Monday, September 13, 2010
Hippie Hill 10
First, we arrive and park in the "official parking" field. The field is the backyard behind a trailer. The owner of the trailer was sitting on the porch chain-smoking cigarettes while his 16 year old son directed traffic. After hiding my GPS and parking my car, we were then told we were to take the "shuttle" down to the concert area. The shuttle arrives driven by none other than Johnny Blaze. Me, my girlfriend, a 19 year old dreaded kid and his new wife hop in the back and start riding. Halfway up a hill, the pickup-truck shuttle stalls out and we had to help push it over the hill. We arrive to the biggest w00k shitshow I've ever seen. People passed out everywhere. Johnny Blaze asks me if I need some shrooms or weed or anything "a bit more serious." I decline. Johnny Blaze tells me no glass bottles are allowed. I tell him that's all I have and he informs me that I should go get a plastic cup from the huge tipi. I walk over to the tipi which is guarded by two teen w00ks who were so redneck/inebriated they could barely speak. I tell them I need a plastic cup and they inform me, after speaking gibberish and telling my girlfriend how much they loved her hair, that I would need to buy two 1-dollar beer tickets to gain entrance. I oblige, as I'm just willing to put up with it at this point. We get in, and I go to the back to get a beer. I tell the 50-ish GDFer that we need two beers. He asks me if I want Bud Light or Yuengling on tap. I say Yuengling and he pulls out a huge glass jar of Yuengling and pours half in our cups, half all over the table because he's shaking so bad. Obviously, I'm not going to drink this beer that had just come out of a w00k's dose jar, so we pour ours out and continue to TRY and have a good time.
Long story short, it was just the most meth'd out seen I've ever been a part of. I am by no means a prude and have dealt with just about everything at Phish shows and every other show with the nasty w00k underbelly. This was like nothing I have ever seen at a Phish show, and I've seen w00ks shitting on each other.
The girlfriend wanted to leave early, and as we were leaving I dropped my phone in my beer, ruining it. One of the shittiest nights ever.
I know this story isn't that good, but no words can do this place justice. If you're in Tennessee, head down to Hippie Hill and experience it for yourself.

Long story short, it was just the most meth'd out seen I've ever been a part of. I am by no means a prude and have dealt with just about everything at Phish shows and every other show with the nasty w00k underbelly. This was like nothing I have ever seen at a Phish show, and I've seen w00ks shitting on each other.
The girlfriend wanted to leave early, and as we were leaving I dropped my phone in my beer, ruining it. One of the shittiest nights ever.
I know this story isn't that good, but no words can do this place justice. If you're in Tennessee, head down to Hippie Hill and experience it for yourself.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
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