so last week i went down by philly. i work at applebees and they are having a top chef contest. me and a key hrly (manager in training) took the kid who was repping our store down to compete. so we were just sitting in the dining room waiting and we started talking to some of the other people who came along to support chefs. i was talking to one of the random chef supporters and we got on the subject of music. i said i was into the dead, and moe. and that i actually had to miss phish at pnc that night. he was like "ooo you're one of those scumbag phish kids" i said well i like phish but i'm not scum bag.
he proceeded to tell me how he wasn't into jambands, he was a raver kid. so i said oh, so you're into molly, and pacifiers, and baby toy necklaces. and then launched into how he's doing furthur tour, and going to vibes and all good. (i replied, "those are pretty jam friendly shows") then he pulls out a tye dye bandana and says he's gotta show his "gang colors". i asked what he meant, and he said oh well i'm gdf. i rolled my eyes and he was like what are you with the wrecking crew. i said no i'm not with any crew, and he once again called me a scum bag phish kid.
i told him i don't need some crew like gdf. bunch of idiots